1.The Beatles and the Avant Garde influence
We review the Beatles song “Tomorrow Never Knows” as an example of the Beatles’ experimentation relative to Avant Garde music influences. Listen to Karl Stockhausen’s composition “Gesang Der Junglinge” and the Beatles song. What are your impressions of these Avant Garde studio techniques in Stockhausen’s piece? What do you think of these techniques within “Tomorrow Never Knows”?
(The Beatles “Tomorrow Never Knows”)
2.The British Invasion and Its Success
From the following clip discuss what you elements made the early Beatles so successful in 1964. What was unique about their sound and style? What seems similar to other artists?
3. The Producer’s “vision” for an artist/band
Having considered the different roles a producer plays in recording, post your thoughts as to how much control a producer should have over a musician’s/band’s sound and image.
Please do some research into the producers involved with one of your favorite songs or albums, and post an example here (copy and pasting a youtube URL will automatically embed the video). Is that producer recognized for having a particular “sound” or representing a certain type of musician? Should the producer have a say in how the musician/band is represented in terms of image and publicity?