Objective: The purpose of this group project is for each student to demonstrate their teamwork, collaboration, conflict management, and design thinking skills while helping to make a positive impact on a real business challenge. Your final project for this course will be a recorded group presentation where your group will create a solution to a real business challenge for an organization (i.e. challenges due to the pandemic, a new business product or service, enhancing team collaboration in the virtual workplace, etc.) using The Design Thinking Canvas.
Each group will select from one of the following three options: A current business challenge your own organization is experiencing A current business challenge for a local Chicago-area organization A current business challenge for an organization in your area Each group will create presentations with the assumption they will be presenting their solutions to business leadership. One member of each group will submit the presentation and final Design Thinking Canvas to the “Final Group Project” Assignment submission box by Sunday of week 6 at 11:59pm CST. Final Group Presentation Required Format: PowerPoint
Presentation, Mural, or another presentation tool. Objective: The purpose of this group project is for each student to demonstrate their teamwork, collaboration, conflict management, and design thinking skills while helping to make a positive impact on a real business challenge. Your final project for this course will be a live Zoom group presentation where your group will create a solution to a real business challenge for an organization (i.e., challenges due to the pandemic, a new business product or service, enhancing team collaboration in the virtual workplace, etc.) using The Design Thinking Canvas. Each group will select from one of the following three options: A current business challenge your own organization is experiencing A current business challenge for a local Chicago organization A current business challenge for an organization in your area Each group will create presentations with the assumption they will be presenting their solution to business leadership. One member of each group will submit the presentation and final Design Thinking Canvas in the “Final Group Project” Assignment submission box by Sunday of week 6 at 11:59pm CST. This project is worth 20% of your final grade. Step 1: Getting Started This assignment will be completed in groups—a method that will provide an opportunity for collaboration, an integral aspect of design thinking Your instructor will assign you to a group at the beginning of week one.
Each group will be assigned a course discussion board entitled Final Group Project. Please visit this board, and please introduce yourself to your group as soon as groups have been assigned. A suggested meeting agenda for your first group meeting is outlined in Module 1. NOTE: Each team will be expected to hold their first “get to know” meeting before the end of week 1 to begin discussing the final project as the first group deliverable is due at the end of week 1. Therefore, it is imperative you connect with your group in a timely way. Step 2: The Assignment Your final project for this course will be a recorded Zoom group presentation where your group will create a solution to a real business challenge for an organization (i.e., challenges due to the pandemic, a new business product or service, enhancing team collaboration in the virtual workplace, etc.) using The Design Thinking Canvas.
Each group will select from one of the following two options: A current business challenge your own organization is experiencing A current business challenge for a local Chicago organization A current business challenge for an organization in your area Each group will create presentations with the assumption they will be presenting their solution to business leadership. Each group will need to identify their business challenge before the end of week 1 in order to complete the first group assignment (See Module 1 for more info).
Beginning in Week 1, each group will start to work on the final presentation through the completion of our weekly group assignments and various discussion boards. These assignments are listed below. Each assignment will enable you to gather data for your final presentation. Week 1 – Submit 2 Group Assignments “Focus Area for Final Presentation” & “Purpose Primer” Week 2 – Submit Discussion Board “Observing Behavior and Questioning Everything” + 2 Group Assignments “Empathy Map” & “Explorative Interviews” Week 3 – Submit Discussion Board “Visual Communication” + 2 Group Assignments “Persona/User Profile” & “Problem Statement & HMW Question” Week 4 – Submit Discussion Board “Using Analogies as a Brainstorming Technique” + 1 Group Assignment “Group Brainstorm” Week 5 – Submit Discussion Board “Rapid Prototyping” + 2 Group Assignments “Prototyping and User Feedback” & “Draft Final Group Presentation”. Tip: Groups should submit a nearly “final” group presentation. Instructors will give feedback on these presentations within 48 hours.
Week 6 – Recorded Zoom presentations . Final group presentation submissions are due on the Sunday of week 6 by 11:50pm CST. Presentation Guidelines: All group members are required to present. All final group presentations will be due on the Sunday of week 6 by 11:59m CST. PLEASE NOTE: The presentation should be no more than 15-20 minutes long, professionally created and include visuals, such as tables, graphs, pictures, sketches. You will use all of the weekly assignments from weeks 1 through 5 to help you collect the data for this presentation. 5-10 minutes of Q&A will follow each presentation. Remember, each group should make the assumption they are presenting these solutions to business leadership. Introduction (1 Slide)– Provide an introduction of your team and agenda of presentation. Background of Company (1-3 slides) – Provide a background of the company and the business challenge. Empathy Interviews & Persona(s) (3-4 slides) – Share the total number of empathy interviews completed, key insights from your empathy interviews and empathy map, and the persona(s) created as a result of this data collection. Problem Statement & HMW – (1 slide) As a result of these interviews, what was the problem statement and How Might We statement the group identified to address? Recommendation (3-4 slides) – Share the proposed solution identified by your group. Be sure to explain how the solution addresses the problem statement and business challenge.
What are the positives of this solution? Its strengths? Why might it succeed? Share your prototype, including image(s), and insights from user feedback interviews. What iterations to this prototype would the group recommend to business leadership based on user feedback? Additional Next Steps (1-2 slides) –
What next steps would the group recommend for the business? Are there any additional steps in the areas of the Design Thinking Canvas (Impact, Vision, People, Challenges, Storytelling, Management) that business leadership should take into consideration to move forward with the group’s recommendation?
Conclusion (1 slide)– Provide a brief conclusion to the presentation and share any final take-a-ways. Step 3: Submit Final Project –Due the Sunday of Week 6 Presentations and a copy of the group’s final Design Thinking Canvas will be due on the Sunday of Week 6 and should be submitted individually in the “Final Group Project” Assignment submission box Eleven (11) Slides