What is distinctive about your city? Why might your city be better able to handle the problem or less able to handle the problem than other city governments?

Directions: You will select a U.S. city for a case study. (The city choosed is New Brunswick, NJ)
Explain the problem.
Cite the origins of the problem, why it is a problem, why the problem is contested, and if there seems to be a solution to the problem.
Situate the problem in themes we covered in the course: the organization of politics in cities, federalism, race and ethnic tensions, economic concerns, forces from outside the city.
What is distinctive about your city? Why might your city be better able to handle the problem or less able to handle the problem than other city governments?


Can you draw broader conclusions the city under study? If the case runs contrary to other themes that you find out about your city (an exception to a rule) then that can serve as the basis of a thesis as well.
Final papers are expected to be 6-10 pages (double-spaced, regular sized font). Title page and references do not count toward page count
I have uploaded the draft paper to choose the city, which contains the problem will be discussed and the outline for the paper, please use it as reference to finish the paper. Below is the comment given by the professor,
“Your prospectus offers a thorough overview of New Brunswick’s challenges, especially regarding housing affordability and infrastructure.


The connection to broader urban policy themes like gentrification, economic equity, and public finance is clear. Focusing on housing affordability will yield valuable insights into urban development and policy solutions. It’s a well-rounded approach to examining the city’s growth and the need for sustainable, inclusive solutions.”
Please make sure the problem you find are real, and do not use AI to form the essay.

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