What did the Researcher conclude from the results of this study? Are the conclusions warranted by the results

Critique of Research-Based Articles

Each student will select (5) five research-based articles from major research journals. Students will describe and critique the design, research questions, data analysis, and findings. The requirements for each summary are as listed below:
Summarize a professional journal article that relates to Research. As a minimum, the summary should be in APA. You can find the basic information for formatting on the web. The article summary and style should contain the following elements:


A cover page: including your name and the citation of the article.
Maximum 1-2-page summary of the article (Abstract)
One or two-page critical analysis of article, this is your critical analysis. The format for the analysis follows.
The article review must be submitted using MS Word in PC format
The entire summary with cover page should not exceed five pages.
Please attach copy of articles
In this assignment, please limit your selection to articles using quantitative analysis.

The Critical Analysis (Some of the categories may not apply – Just say that they don’t apply and why you don’t think so) should include discuss:
The problem: (1.1.) What is the problem? (1.2.) What is the significance of the problem? (1.3.) What are the variables, including dependent and independent?

Research question/hypothesis, sample, instrument, and design: (2.1) What is/are the hypothesis/es? (2.2) How was the sample selected? Is it likely to be unbiased? Why or why not? (2.3) Are the instruments appropriate? Why or why not? (2.4) What is the design of this study? Is it the best design possible for testing the hypotheses? Why or why not?
Data, method, results, conclusion, and recommendations: (3.1) Describe the data used to test the hypotheses. (3.2) What method of analysis was used? (3.3) What did the Researcher conclude from the results of this study? Are the conclusions warranted by the results? (3.4) Can you point to any generalizations, implications, recommendations, and/or further research needs that were not discussed by the author? (3.5) What do you think of this study in general and why? That is, do you think the study is good/bad, important/not important, interesting/not interesting, makes sense/does not make sense? Would you act on basis of it? Why?


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