Describe access to social services, mental health, substance abuse and mutual aid agencies. Discuss why the community does or does not offer these services (Worth 5 points).

Review the attached document and complete steps 4-7 just add on to the current power point the instructions willl be below please no AI CHATGPT or plagiarism used to complete this assignment Assessing Community Health (Parts 4-7) 4.0. Education System. Discuss the structure of the educational system, number of students being served, graduation rates, and … Read more

Describe how you would measure your proposed change’s success. Reflection

Introduction Healthcare organizations value proposal and implementation plans that reduce cost and increase patient safety, efficiency, and outcomes. The D226 capstone project allows professional nurses the ability to apply knowledge obtained throughout the BSNU program. For this task, you will comprehensively address a healthcare change by creating a proposal and implementation plan. An emphasis is … Read more

Discuss each medication prescribed to the patient (i.e., the medication’s proposed risks and benefits, the symptoms that the medication is prescribed to treat, the class of drug under which the medication is classified, etc.).

The final project involves writing a paper, five to six pages in length, double-spaced. Each student will be given the pharmaco-profile (i.e., a list of current prescribed medications) for a patient receiving intensive psychiatric monitoring. The student will be required, in paper format, to discuss each medication prescribed to the patient (i.e., the medication’s proposed … Read more

You are required to research and write a report that outlines the process of applying for licensure, in the state of Virgina, including the process for those who apply and items in their background check that could hinder the licensure process.

You are required to research and write a report that outlines the process of applying for licensure, in the state of Virgina, including the process for those who apply and items in their background check that could hinder the licensure process. Your outline should include the process for each of the categories found in the … Read more

Explain how you would demonstrate effective skills in writing formal correspondence to communicate information and ideas.

The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the experience of creating a video and the chance to become more comfortable with discussing ethical issues related to health care. Create a 3–5 minute informational video for other health care professionals that focuses on ethical issues and implications in research surrounding communication, using any video … Read more

Explain 2–3 appeals (i.e., logos, ethos, pathos) that are found within the text. For each type of appeal used in the text, include 1–2 examples.

Competencies Understanding Purpose and Audience Write with a purpose for a given context and target audience. Requirements Your submission must represent your original work and understanding of the course material. Most performance assessment submissions are automatically scanned through the WGU similarity checker. Students are strongly encouraged to wait for the similarity report to generate after … Read more

Has Art therapy been successful in treating patients with mental disorders and what are the best art therapy treatment options?

My thesis is: Has Art therapy been successful in treating patients with mental disorders and what are the best art therapy treatment options? My thesis Statement Art therapy has been proven successful in treating patients with mental disorders. Here are the assignment guidelines: As you write your paper, be sure to include the following: an … Read more

Create a plan / treatment plan about how someone who has never explore this culture can explore it.

Individual Cultural Development Presentation Requirements: – PowerPoint presentation Students will create a presentation that outlines an intercultural development plan. Proposal will address goals & steps that one can take to develop more cultural understanding of a culture that is different from their own. Students should provide an overview of their proposal. This will include goals, … Read more

Rodger Corman’s Film The Masque of the Red Death featuring Vincent Price

Analysis assignment for The Masque of the Red Death Film Directed by Rodger Corman featuring Vincent Price According to Meyer, “Marxist readings developed from the heightened interest in radical reform during the 1930s, when many critics looked to literature as a means of furthering proletarian social and economic goals, based largely on the writing of … Read more

Project Management Leadership Self Assessments-Use your peer reviews from the Portfolio Milestones to write a summary of the key similarities and differences of your self-assessment and your classmates’ self-assessment.

Complete the following self-assessments from Chapters 1 and 3 of your textbook: 1-2 (Lussier Achua, 2022, p. 36-Identifying leadership traits and behaviors) 1-3 (Lussier Achua, 2022, p. 37-Your leadership point of view) 3-1 (Lussier Achua, 2022, p. 96) 3-3 (Lussier Achua, 2022, p. 129-Your leadership point of view III) 8-1 (Lussier Achua, 2022, p. 351-Leadership … Read more