Watch the below video after having studied the written material for this module. Is your mind the same thing as your body (perhaps identical with the brain)?

Watch the below video after having studied the written material for this module. Is your mind the same thing as your body (perhaps identical with the brain)? Or are they two different things? Explain what substance dualism is, to the best of your understanding, and what Princess Elisabeth’s challenge to it is. Explain whether you … Read more

Religious Studies and Theology-discuss one or two problems for this philosophical view: What objections might someone raise to this view?

Religious Studies and Theology This project should be a fun and creative opportunity to share your knowledge of pop culture regarding questions of existence and knowledge. There is no one answer, no single “right” answer. Also, this is an opportunity to connect the dots. Think about shows, movies, etc, in popular culture you are already … Read more

Explaining Influencer Follower Size Success through Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Responses

To prepare for Week 08 Assignment 01: Live Session Presentations: New Media Article, read the article and prepare a PowerPoint presentation to cover the key learnings. Keep your presentation to no more than 10 minutes. Briefly review the research and focus on findings and implications. You should include your own thoughts or ideas when discussing … Read more

Does the company have high customer loyalty? Explain. Is there an opportunity for the company to increase their customer relations skills? Explain.

Instructions Instructions: For this final assignment you will need to research one of the following companies listed below. Ikea Toyota AT&T Amazon Target Starbucks Apple Barnes & Noble Costco Home Depot ***You may select another company if you do not want to study one of the 10 above. HOWEVER, you must seek my approval first*** … Read more


Please follow the template and use screenshot from the video of where it ask for screenshot in the template. Please delete instructions from the template once complete and please see the information below on what’sexpected How Will My Work Be Evaluated? Penetrating the system (gaining access) is only the beginning for a penetration tester. You … Read more

Developing a research plan–Who wrote this article? Is it the researchers themselves, or is it a journalist writing about their findings?

Touchstones are projects that illustrate your comprehension of the course material, help you refine skills, and demonstrate application of knowledge. You can work on a Touchstone anytime, but you must pass your Milestone before you submit it. Once you’ve submitted a Touchstone, it will be graded and counted toward your final course score. This Touchstone … Read more