To provide a hands-on experience in tracking your own stress levels over a period of 3-4 days and to analyze the impact of stress on the nervous system.
Part 1: Stress Tracking
Daily Stress Tracking: Track your stress levels for 3-4 consecutive days using the list of questions below. You will need to report your overall summary scores for each day when you submit your assignment. Below is a list of common symptoms of stress. Please indicate how often in the last 24 hours, including now, you have felt or experienced each of the following symptoms.
Scale: 0=Never, 1=Rarely, 2=Occasionally, 3=A lot of the time 4= Nearly all the time
Add up your score to all of these questions each day.
Do not answer the next few questions until you have collected at least 3-4 days worth of data
Impact of Stress on the Nervous System: How did your body seem to react to stress over the last few days? Comment on any patterns you have seen in your physiological responses and discuss how this is related to the flight or flight response. Use at least one term from the chapter in your answer to receive credit.
Impact of Stress on Health and Well-being: Discuss the impact of stress on physical and psychological health. Discuss some effective, research-based strategies for managing stress and include a reference. Share at least one personal experience or strategy that you have found helpful in reducing stress. Chat GPT mention Real Housewives