Locate a current research article that pertains to your clinical practice area (Pediatric home health). Try to select an article that has subheadings such as theoretical framework or hypotheses, literature review, sample, findings, and discussion.
Develop an objective critique of the study addressing the following areas and discuss the applicability of this research to your practice setting and the potential for using the findings. The critique should be written as an essay in APA format.
Provide the reference citation in APA format.
Title and Abstract: What is the applicability to practice?
Introduction to the Problem and Purpose: Identify the problem, purpose, main issues, significance to nursing and patients, and aims of the study.
Literature Review: Discuss the background literature presented, types of sources, variables addressed, use of primary sources, critical analysis presented along with the identified strengths and weaknesses in the body of knowledge on the topic.
Theoretical Framework: Discuss the descriiption and citations provided, the type of model, and guidance for the inquiry.
Research Questions or Hypotheses: State the types of research questions or hypotheses, their clarity, appropriateness, consistency with the theoretical framework, and the variables that were investigated.
Methods and Design: Identify methods and the research design, i.e., quantitative, qualitative, experimental, nonexperimental. Describe the variables (independent, dependent, controlled, confounding) and the definitions provided. Were there specific controls in the study?
Discuss the ethical considerations, protections, and review process.
Sampling: Identify type, method, appropriateness, characteristics, generalizability, and representativeness.
Data collection: Describe the methods, instruments, and reliability and validity considerations.
Results and Analysis: Discuss the methods used and the appropriateness. What statistical tests were used, and did they provide appropriate answers to the research questions and/or results for the stated hypotheses? Were the appropriate statistical tests used and were the figures/tables understandable and useful to the reader and for the content?
Discussion: Are the conclusions consistent and do they provide support for the theory? Are the conclusions based on the data? What limitations and generalizations are provided and are they consistent with the information provided?
Recommendations: What are the recommendations for practice, teaching, administration, and/or further research?
Discuss the applicability of this research to your practice setting and the potential for using the findings.