Create a plan / treatment plan about how someone who has never explore this culture can explore it.

Individual Cultural Development Presentation Requirements: – PowerPoint presentation Students will create a presentation that outlines an intercultural development plan. Proposal will address goals & steps that one can take to develop more cultural understanding of a culture that is different from their own. Students should provide an overview of their proposal. This will include goals, objectives/activities that you will and or have engaged in to support your cultural development journey.


You want to be able to address a plan that will follow you throughout your personal and professional lives as you aim to become more culturally humble. Please do make sure your goals & objectives/activities are clearly defined and linked to one another. An example of this is below. E.g., of a goal: To demonstrate an ongoing commitment to developing cultural sensitivity, awareness and competence. E.g., of another goal: To acknowledge my own biases, and educate myself about other cultures and do the work. E.g., of objectives/activities one may engage in: attending diversity-focused conferences, interacting with diverse groups of individuals, being honest about my biases during group and individual supervision meetings.

TIP: When you think about culture consider the following factors (customs, traditions, heritage, values, habits, social institutions, religion, mannerisms, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, art, “the way of life” for an entire society). Things required for your project: MUST HAVE: Identifiable Goals & Objectives that are related to one another. MUST HAVE: Where do you believe that you currently fall on the IDI Continuum, and explain:

Links to an external site. Examples of slides may include : Goals, Objectives & overview of activities (Required) Where do you believe you fall on the IDI Continuum followed with explanation (Required) Rationale for conducting intercultural project e.g., how does it contribute to your graduate education & cultural understanding? Indicators of progress Challenges, Setbacks & barriers. Motivating factors. Proof of activities engaged in (images, videos, etc.). Future goals related to cultural development journey. Take-away, resource page, question page, etc. Create a 5-10 (min, max) individual presentation related to your intercultural development plan.


Will be graded according to rubric criteria e.g., content, PowerPoint, presentation of information and creativity. N.B. My culture is black African, so I am okay to do any other subject/topic/culture different from mine. Below is a sample outline of the project/ Rubric Intercultural Developmental Plan Project Presentation time: 3-5minutes Step 1: Pick a culture that isn’t your own to explore Step 2: Think about and Create a plan / treatment plan about how someone who has never explore this culture can explore it. Find out your cultures, religion, advocacy work, traditions and activities and food and how can someone here in MA be able to explore all these things. Step 3:

Treatment Plan: (You can put this in a PowerPoint or on a poster board or you can freely talk, however you choose to present it will work) (Have about 2 – 3 goals with objectives in learning and understanding the culture you choose) GOAL 1: Wanting to explore Russian food Objective: How can I understand what Russian food is and where can I go to learn the style and cuisine of Russian food? Go to a diversity food conference, list some local Russian food places GOAL 2: Wanting to find ways to advocate for the Chinese community Objective: What can I do to reach this goal? Look up some local resources, Dive deep into China town in Boston and see what advocacy work they are doing. Join an advocacy group. GOAL 3: Exploring Judaism and understanding Judaism Beliefs Objective: What can I do to reach this goal? Explore a local temple. Go to the local library and educate yourself on some books they might have.

Step 5: Choose where you believe that you currently fall on the IDI Continuum of the culture you chose, and explain: Denial / Polarization / Minimization / Acceptance / Adaptation IDC ( Step 4: Creativity part: Art / food / singing a song


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