Judge the medical case studied in the following video:
In the video, philosophers applied the three major ethical principles you
learned in this class: Kant’s Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, and Virtue Ethics. In a five-paragraph essay or more, apply ONE ethical theory to decide the moral course of action in the medical case of the premature twins studied in class. Apply the ethical theory in each paragraph to support your arguments throughout the entire essay. Not using an ethical theory results in
an automatic zero. Using more than one ethical theory results in an
automatic zero.
The keystone assessment will be graded according to the following
1) You have an introduction paragraph that introduces the moral issue in
the video and the moral theory of your choosing. You also have a
thesis statement that clearly states your position and how you will
argue for it.
2) You choose only one of three moral ethical theories listed above as
the cornerstone of your essay.
i) For Kant’s Deontology, you include and apply his two arguments and
Sandel’s three contrasts.
ii) For Utilitarianism, you include and apply Bentham’s four points in his
“Principle of Utility” and three or more aspects of his “Felicific
iii) For Virtue Ethics, you include and apply Aristotle’s “Golden Mean”,
his views on universal virtues with their relation to eudaimonia, and
three or more virtues from the virtue table (found in week 5 folder)
3) Each reason is communicated well and related to the medical case in
the video. You use examples from the video to demonstrate your point.
Each reason has enough detail to clearly illustrate your position to
someone who doesn’t know too much about ethics.
4) You have a conclusion that neatly wraps up the gist of the essay.
use MLA style