Which of the three LMS platforms (Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle) offers the highest degree of customization to meet an institution’s specific needs?

Purpose In this discussion board, you will post your answer to the question to make you aware of the importance of use of data structures in programming. You will also read and respond to 1 other classmate’s postings. This is an excellent way for you to interact with your colleagues and share your thoughts about … Read more

Why or why not does that surprise you? Because they share 100 percent the same DNA, might you have expected more similarities or not? Explain

This assignment should be at least 700 words. You must use the resources listed above to address all the following questions in essay format. APA FORMAT You MUST include properly formatted in-text citations throughout the paper and end-of-paper references/bibliography to connect to the required resources used for support. As a reminder, this is a graded … Read more

Strategic Marketing Plan assignment and incorporate feedback into your plan.

This week you will complete your strategic marketing plan for your selected business by identifying customer segments, developing an implementation plan, evaluating communication channels, and determining metrics. You will submit all 3 parts of your strategic marketing plan you have worked on in this course in 1 document. Access the Strategic Marketing Plan Template that … Read more

Write references in APA format and the number of references should not be less than what is required in the document instructions.

1- Follow the instructions inside the document such as: font type, size, spacing, number of words and other instructions. 2- Write references in APA format and the number of references should not be less than what is required in the document instructions. 3- Originality, meaning that the text should not be copied from websites or … Read more

Discuss the background literature presented, types of sources, variables addressed, use of primary sources, critical analysis presented along with the identified strengths and weaknesses in the body of knowledge on the topic.

  Locate a current research article that pertains to your clinical practice area (Pediatric home health). Try to select an article that has subheadings such as theoretical framework or hypotheses, literature review, sample, findings, and discussion. Develop an objective critique of the study addressing the following areas and discuss the applicability of this research to … Read more

Segmentation and Buyer Personas-Develop a segmentation profile for your company (Note: This should be based on your opportunity statement and marketing objectives).

Segmentation and Buyer Personas Develop a segmentation profile for your company (Note: This should be based on your opportunity statement and marketing objectives). Begin with the potential market and narrow it down to four plausible segments. Each segment should be well-defined with 5-7 key defining attributes; a persona (e.g., “On-the-Move Millenials); size of the market; … Read more

Explain the importance of controlling discretion within the criminal justice system. Within this context, pay special attention to the Walker reading titled “Discretion and Its Discontents.”

Explain the importance of controlling discretion within the criminal justice system. Within this context, pay special attention to the Walker reading titled “Discretion and Its Discontents.” The paper should be 2 pages, 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spaced. All ideas should be addressed in well-developed paragraphs. Within the assignment, reference key concepts in the … Read more

How can the organization’s sales and operations departments help address the negative publicity?

Overview In today’s information age, customers have access to various digital platforms to access and share information. Customers also use these platforms to communicate with service providers, share opinions, and provide feedback. Therefore, it is important for product owners and service providers to be ready with a response plan for all communications over digital platforms. … Read more

What changes would you recommend to better align the session with Healthy People 2030 objectives and leading health indicators?

For this assessment, you will conclude the clinical learning activity you began in Assessment 1. You will resume the role of a community nurse tasked with addressing the specific health concern in your community. This time, you will present, via educational outreach, the hypothetical health promotion plan you developed in Assessment 1 to your fictitious … Read more