Prepare and record a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 4-8 content slides, with detailed speaker’s notes that discuss each of the leadership training topics, and are professional in presence and tone.

For this assignment, you will create a presentation to explain the aspects of leadership in an organization. The following scenario provides context for you as you create this PowerPoint. Scenario Your manager has asked you to develop training materials to help employees understand the role of leadership within your organization. You will need to deliver … Read more

Cultrual Considerations-How do Japanese and U.S. attitudes toward gift gifting differ?

Introduction Employees on foreign assignments may deal with cultural beliefs, values, and norms that are different from those in the United States. Often times, cultural differences can create issues that conflict directly with the employee’s organizational policy as well as the laws of the land. Human resource (HR) professionals working for global businesses help create … Read more

Explain how the Parse Trees captures the hierarchical structure and semantics of the programs, emphasizing the relationship between nodes and the operations they represent.

List of Sample Programs: Provide at least five sample programs written in the language defined by the given grammar. These programs should demonstrate various constructs and operations permissible within the language. Make sure to make a few of the programs complex (multiple statements, etc.) Provide one (1) Simple Program with one statement, and the rest … Read more

The Profiteers of the Civil War-Why do you think business practices like those described flourished during this era?

This article highlights several examples of the men who profited from dishonest business ventures during the Civil War. As you read, consider the tactics used by the captains of industry in the years following the war. Do you see any similarities in who they were and how they ran their businesses? Why do you think … Read more

Write about your Denial Project. Include what you chose and how or if it was a struggle. Did you learn anything from the project?

Reflection; write a reflection on the 3 films – 2 page minimum, total. Use 3 headings with titles. Follow the Reflection Guidelines for each film. Discussion post: Write about your Denial Project. Include what you chose and how or if it was a struggle. Did you learn anything from the project? [order_button_a]

Provide a short summary of the readings. 2) What have you learned from the readings of the week?

The length of a thought paper should be 1-2 pages, single-spaced. Refrain from copying directly from readings – Use your own words to summarize the main points instead. The thought papers cover the three components. don’t use chat gpt, make the wording humniesd and in text citationan and refrences. 1) Provide a short summary of … Read more

What is distinctive about your city? Why might your city be better able to handle the problem or less able to handle the problem than other city governments?

Directions: You will select a U.S. city for a case study. (The city choosed is New Brunswick, NJ) Explain the problem. Cite the origins of the problem, why it is a problem, why the problem is contested, and if there seems to be a solution to the problem. Situate the problem in themes we covered … Read more

Provide a pivot table and associated Pareto Chart where we can see the Total Cost in dollars per Product and the Cumulative Percentage that each product contributes to the total cost.

A Dual Axis line chart where we can see month by month the trend of the transactions’ Average Discount and the trend of the transactions’ Total Margin. Do not synchronize the axes, so we can compare whether the two trends have moved together chronologically, but make sure we can identify what axis corresponds to each … Read more

Shaken Up, With Laughter Perhaps: The Interplay of Black Horror and Comedy/Satir

Topic: Shaken Up, With Laughter Perhaps: The Interplay of Black Horror and Comedy/Satir Inspired by The Blackening & Get Out Thesis: The Blackening employs satire and comedy throughout the film to undermine racial trauma and stereotypes, challenging previous representations of Black people in horror. Through the combination of horror and comedy, The Blackening contradicts the … Read more

Discuss some of the external influences on cost management that were present in the Big Dig and explain how you would manage those external influences to control both cost growth and schedule extension.

The reading materials from Lecture 1 thru 4 emphasize the critical mechanisms for addressing the complex relationships among scope, cost and schedule and the influences that impact these knowledge areas as it relates to cost and schedule estimation and control. Review your lecture materials, relevant outside literature, and chapters 5, 6, and 8 of your … Read more