Compose a personal introduction, including any professional credentials to establish you as credible and relevant background information to establish rapport with your representative.

LOBBYING PLAN In this assignment, you will develop a lobbying plan for a specific behavioral health issue that addresses access and equity concerns. You are encouraged to select one of the issues you identified in your Week 2 Advocating to Improve Quality assignment. Be sure to select an issue different from the issue you wrote … Read more

How the information is being presented visually? Are the figures getting the key ideas across? Do the figures draw you in, make you want to read the paper?

We will be reviewing initially one paper a week, then two once we have completed the lectures. These papers will focus on protein bioinformatics and structure related questions and will be drawn from papers published in highly ranked journals in the past year. Links to the papers are posted at the end of the document. … Read more

Discussion 2: “Is Information Operations (IO) part of cybersecurity?”

Dr. Mueller argues that “psy ops,” disinformation campaigns, or what is called “information operations” are not really cybersecurity issues. This is a controversial claim. Are things that affect the human psyche and not the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information or networks properly classified as cybersecurity issues? What do you think? Don’t be afraid to … Read more

Describe any reservations or concerns you have as you engage in your doctoral studies. How do you feel about being a doctoral student? Do you feel you belong?

Post a response to the following. For this graded Discussion, introduce yourself to your colleagues through a mind map. In the center of your mind map, write your name, your program, and where you live. Then create five nodes branching from this center. Use the following titles: Professional Identity Doctorial Identity Potential Topic Ways of … Read more

Systems Analysis Question-What is the slack/float time for activities D, E, and F?

A new project has been defined to contain a list of activities A, B, C, D, E, F, G, & H. Attached is the spreadsheet with the activities and time estimates for each of the activities. VA Pharmaceutical Critical Path Table Test #1-1.xlsxDownload VA Pharmaceutical Critical Path Table Test #1-1.xlsx [order_button_a] This problem is worth … Read more

When was the last time you read Meditation XVII of John Donne’s Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions?

When was the last time you read Meditation XVII of John Donne’s Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions? Unless you are a student of seventeenth-century poetry, you may not be all that familiar with this piece. However, you may be much more familiar with one of its well-known phrases: “No man is an island…”. As you begin … Read more

Business and Economics-Critically discuss the impact of investor sentiment on stock market with relevant theories and supporting evidence under Pandemic.

“Wall Street’s blue-chip S&P 500 share index rose 0.3% wiping out almost all the losses suffered after the discovery of the Omicron coronavirus variant and ending the day just 0.1% shy of its all-time closing high. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite climbed 0.6%” Critically discuss the impact of investor sentiment on stock market with relevant theories … Read more

Describe the UDL implementation within instruction and the curricular materials. If there were no UDL features present, please indicate and explain this. Remember to include ALL three UDL principles.

Instructions You will apply the information you learned in the previous module to complete this assignment. You may also want to refer to the attached graphic organizer UDL/Curriculum Review Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to offer you the opportunity to apply what you know about UDL to instructional practice. For this assignment, you … Read more

Conduct an analysis of the Cassandra data (attached). You presented your analysis to the team and you said that the Cassandra project was late and over budget. Here’s what happened during and after the presentation

You were asked to conduct an analysis of the Cassandra data (attached). You presented your analysis to the team and you said that the Cassandra project was late and over budget. Here’s what happened during and after the presentation: The Mayor’s team did not believe you and reported their opinions to the Mayor. Also, the … Read more

Analysis Re-imagine Being Awesome-Choose either to move the talent, or move the camera, or both to establish the 180 line and then reset it.

Choose either to move the talent, or move the camera, or both to establish the 180 line and then reset it. Create a shot-by-shot sequence that tells the intense visual story. Think about staging in-depth and character movement. Breaking the line of action and the use of insert shots. Break the shot list down to … Read more