Write a paper making an argument in response to:
How is society impacted by advancements in technology? Are these changes largely positive or negative?
Make your own argument, the “I Say” (using one of the methods in Chapter 4) to the issues
raised in the essays. Be sure your thesis gives your response—and be sure you do more
than summarize and simply agree (Review Chapter 4). Make sure you use the ‘sandwich’
method to introduce quotes (Chapter 3), make sure that you include a naysayer to show
objections to your argument (Chapter 6) and address the “so what?” factor, why this issue
matters (Chapter 8).
You must choose two essays to engage with in your paper: Sylvia Mathews Burwell’s essay “Generation Stress: The Mental Health Crisis on
“Why We Need to Keep the ‘Community’ in Community Colleges” by Anna Clark,
In this assignment, you will need to both engage with other authors’ points of view, while
distinguishing and supporting your own point of view. • This assignment should adhere to MLA guidelines. For additional information on MLA
please see either The Little Seagull Handbook, or
• This assignment should be at least 4 pages in length and should meet minimum length
requirements to receive full credit on the assignment.