Are Brazilians Latinos? And is Brazil part of Latin America?

Simon Bolivar advocated for a Pan-Hispanicism, or in other words, a united Spanish America in order to be able to stand up to the United States. He also specifically wanted to exclude Brazil from that regional bloc of Spanish American nations south of the “Colossus of the North.”

In the middle of the Nineteenth century, several people in Colombia, Chile, Mexico, and most especially in France, began to use the term “Latin America” as a broader term in contrast to Spanish America, implying that French and Portuguese territories with similar historical experiences to most of “Spanish” America, should be included in the region’s identity.

Many Brazilians resist being identified as “Latinos” and believe that Brazil has a different (and perhaps superior) historical identity than Spanish America for a number of reasons, including size, industry, the monarchy, and the largely peaceful transition to independence.


Review Marshal Eakin’s essay, Eakin Does Latin America Have a Common History, 15 pages.docx
Read the web article “Are Brazilians Latinos? What their identity struggle tells us about race in AmericaLinks to an external site.” (2016).
Review the Pew Research Center’s article “Who is Hispanic?Links to an external site.” (2022).
Watch the YouTube video “What’s the difference between Latino and Hispanic?Links to an external site.”.
Watch the YouTube video by Holbrook, “The River of Latin AmericaLinks to an external site.”.
Prepare and Submit
Write a well-organized essay with a minimum of 1000 to 1200 words (3 to 4 pages double-spaced) in which you address the following prompt:

Analyze and discuss the material that has been assigned and address the following statement: “Brazil is part of Latin America and Brazilians can and should be referred to as ‘Latinos’ (short for Latin American). Discuss if you agree or disagree with the statement and provide an evidence-based argument for your view along with citations.

Some issues to consider:

What historical experiences does Brazil have in common with Spanish America?
Are there historical experiences that separate Brazil from Spanish America?
Is Latin American, or Latino, a legitimate and/or useful designation?
Should Brazilians be free to assert their own specific identity as “Brazilians” apart from Latinos, Hispanics, or LatinX?
Some Brazilians do not like to be included in Latin America. Do they have a point? Would “Ibero-America” be a better term?
Paragraphs in an essay are not numbered. Any questions that are associated with an assigned reading are there to serve as a guide for your discussion. Please do not use headings, subheads, bullet points or numbered paragraphs.
Your discussion should incorporate all of the information from the documents or the textbook, and outside sources as one single essay in a flowing paragraph style.
All statements must be supported with citations, and all sources, including your textbook and assigned readings, must be cited in the essay, and included in your reference list or ‘works cited’ at the end of the essay.
Failure to provide citations constitutes plagiarism, and the college has strict policies and penalties for failure to comply. Please review the syllabus.
You may use APA to format your essay, or Chicago or MLA, depending on your major. Feel free to use the style that your field or discipline prefers, as long as you use it consistently.
Proofread your work. Make sure that you have found all of the spelling and grammatical errors and corrected them, and that you have organized your work into coherent paragraphs that flow smoothly from one to the next.
Prepare the assignment as a Word Document, double-spaced and using a standard font of 12 points.
An extension of 3 days will be allowed for any students who make appointments to take the essay to the Writing Center in the library or one of the History tutors in the history department.
Submit the essay in the appropriate Canvas dropbox. PLEASE DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SEND IT TO ME AS AN EMAIL OR MESSAGE ATTACHMENT. It will NOT be graded (it will most likely be lost). It must be uploaded to Canvas to receive a grade.


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