The final project involves writing a paper, five to six pages in length, double-spaced. Each student will be given the pharmaco-profile (i.e., a list of current prescribed medications) for a patient receiving intensive psychiatric monitoring.
The student will be required, in paper format, to discuss each medication prescribed to the patient (i.e., the medication’s proposed risks and benefits, the symptoms that the medication is prescribed to treat, the class of drug under which the medication is classified, etc.). Each student must include a discussion on cultural considerations, specifically, how one’s intersectionality, namely – race and class – impacts the prescriptions that they receive.
In addition, each student must provide a clear explanation of how this patient should advocate for himself if he feels he is being over-pathologized or overly medicated.
The paper should also include a summary page indicating how each of the prescribed medications works collaboratively to address the patient’s psychiatric issues/symptoms. The student may use
his/her textbook and/or lecture notes as a source or any other bound or electronic source from which he/she wishes to obtain information related to the paper.
The paper does not need to be written in APA format; however please provide a reference page in APA format, citing all
resources utilized in the final project. Recommended online sources include WebMD and pharmaceutical manufacturer websites (i.e., Novartis, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, etc.)